Cash Donations
Your generous gift will help to enrich the lives of children of all ages and provide a setting for discovery as we present challenging and educational activities, exhibits and classes.
You can also honor a special person in your life for his or her birthday or special occasion while supporting the Children's Storybook Garden & Museum. We will notify your friend or family of your kind gesture and your gift is tax-deductible.
Appreciated Assets
A gift of appreciated securities such as stocks, mutual funds, bonds or real estate is another giving option. Excellent tax advantages exist if you donate appreciated assets you have owned for more than one year. An outright gift of long-​​term appreciated assets may avoid capital gains taxes and qualifies for a charitable income tax deduction equal to the market value of the securities.
Charitable Bequests
Once the needs of your family have been considered, we hope you will include the Children's Storybook Garden & Museum in your estate plans. Your attorney should assist you with the wording so your wishes are met. Even a small amount can have a big impact over time. Charitable bequests may also be used to support specific gardens and projects.
Guidelines & suggested language
Full legal name: Children's Storybook Garden & Museum
Taxpayer identification number: Please call (559) 500-9966 for this number.
Gifts of Life Insurance
Many of us have life insurance. Some have had policies for years, and the life insurance is no longer needed for personal or financial reasons. In these cases, it may be an opportunity to make a significant gift to the Children's Storybook Garden & Museum.
Endowed Gift
An endowed gift is permanently invested, and only a portion of the earnings is withdrawn. The principal is never spent. A gift to the Children's Storybook Garden & Museum endowment not only helps today but also builds future stability by enabling us to plan projects because the gift is a permanent one.